Students' Highlights

Students enrolled in the Master's degree course in Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Age have the opportunity to address the various fields of application of the digital humanities both within the courses work and through the active participation in workshops and scientific initiatives of national and international relevance. The use of software for the analysis of linguistic and cultural data, the employment of hardware to experiment with the immersive and enviromental dimension of digital images, and the involvement in experiences in which students are asked to produce research pitchs or papers are just a some examples of the possibilities that the course offers to its students.

The 18th Nooj Conference | 5-7 June 2024

Dal 5 al 7 giugno 2024, il Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere ha ospistato la diciottesima Nooj Conference, evento scientifico di rilievo internazionale che ha visto il coinvolgimento attivo di docenti e studenti del MA in Text Sciences grazie alla partecipazione del nostro stakeholder X23-The Innovation Bakery. Nooj is a software for lexico-grammatical, syntactic and semantic analysis of any kind of linguistic or literary text devloped by Max Silberztein (Université de Franche-Comte). In a three-days Masterclass, prof. Silberztein, together with prof. Mario Monteleone, introduced our students to the potentialities of the software and challenged them to develop new research ideas that could become conference presentations or academic papers.