Study plan

From a.y. 2024/2025 the study plan is ONLY available in Course Catalogue. In the search filter select the year of enrollment, degree program, and curriculum. For each teaching you will find information about the lecturer, learning objectives, teaching methods and reference texts.



Submission of study plans for the 2024-2025 academic year must be made:

  • From October 16 to November 18, 2024 for students enrolled in the 2nd year of Master's degree programs;
  • From October 30 to November 22, 2024 for students enrolled in the 1st year of Master's degree programs (including “con riserva” pre-registered students).



It is required to fill in the study plan up to the year of enrollment (e.g., students enrolled in the I year fill in only the I year; students enrolled in the II year confirm/change I year and fill in II year).

Please note that exams already taken cannot be removed from the study plan.

Before finishing the telematic procedure of filling out the study plan, it is necessary to re-check the plan summary screen. The conclusion of the online compilation entails the approval (with reservation) of the study plan and the simultaneous update of the student's career.

The Student Secretariat may request to change the free choice, if inconsistent with the submitted plan, following checks that will be carried out by December 13, 2024.