
Laboratories are highly qualifying training activities offered by the Master Program. Every student is expected to attend one laboratory during the MA in order to acquire 3 CFU. Laboratories are designed to focus on specific pratical activities and therefore they are directed to the transmission of a "know-how" able to form an ideal bridge between the theoretical-methodological knowledge offered in class and professional practices for which the student is prepared. 

For this reason the laboratories offered by the MA share the following characteristics:

  • they have a limited number of partecipants
  • they are compulsory, it is not possible to be absent for more than 25% of the activity hours
  • they require active student participation

Participation in the educational workshop allows the student to acquire an eligibility that corresponds to the number of credits provided for in the study plan of the course. Depending on the study plan of the degree program, the credits obtained can fully contribute to the achievement of the CFU needed to complete the course of study, or they may be approved by the Degree Course Councils as supernumerary activities if they are already reached the maximum CFUs foreseen for the workshop activities.