Teaching Methodologies

The MA course has been designed to provide each student with a highly skilled study experience that is aligned with the needs of a rapidly changing working world. In detail:

  • The MA will promote an innovative teaching approach that is student-centred and consists of different types of learning activities. In addition to in-class lectures and seminars, the module will provide our students with many practical opportunities, both through experimentation with technologies and "on-site" professionalisation experiences in highly skilled environments, thanks to our international stakeholders
  • The course is bilingual and has a strong cultural perspective when it comes to information technology. While the lectures are mainly given in English and a few in Italian, the case studies and the methodological approaches presented come from different contexts and disciplines, where information technology is always applied to linguistics, philology, arts, literature, history, multimodality and communications sciences, to allow students to become knowledge managers.
  • Part of the modules are delivered in a blended or mixed mode with extensive use of syncronous teaching tools, which is also encouraged by the presence of visiting professors from leading institutions at European level
Learning (through) technologies

The classes will be held in the IT Lab of Via Salvecchio, where every student will have the possibility of a personal access to updated hardwares and softwares that will be used during the modules. 

Through guest lectures and seminars, students also have the opportunity to meet representatives of public and private institutions working in the field of digital humanities. In addition to advanced programmes in digital analysis of texts, data and multimodal translation, MA students are offered labs and internships as an important part of their learning experience. They will also benefit from highly innovative equipment such as VR / AR headsets and eye-tracking devices (see the Unibg Eye Tracking Lab), which will be some of the second-year lab main topics. All this provides opportunities to develop professional knowledge and application skills in a practical way.