Post-graduate opportunities

Postgraduate Internships

Extracurricular internships, specifically designed to facilitate job placement, put graduate students in contact with many relevant public and private companies at a local and national level. In various cases, at the end of the internship, students have been hired to work in the companies. Internships may be organized both at institutions that already have an agreement with the University and at other public or private companies working in fields that are relevant for our MA students. 

A postgraduate internship may also be carried out abroad, in European and non-European contexts.  


The University offers a personalized support for placement and carrier guidance that can help graduate students to draw up their curriculum, learn about ways for finding a job and simulate an interview. Students are also given the chance to know the main career opportunities in Italy and abroad, also thanks to devoted career days in which representatives of various private and public institutions come at the University to the meet our students and look for potential applicants. 

The Placement office prepares and disseminates an updated newsletter that reports in real time any new opportunity for internships and works: it is advisable to register immediately for this service through your personal e-mail address. 

You can also upload your curriculum to the Alma Laurea portal, which takes care of the relationships with companies, thus encouraging work opportunities for students. 

Posgraduate Education

Master’s and Advanced Courses are organized every year by the SdM (Scuola di Alta Formazione) of the University of Bergamo. Through these courses, graduate students can acquire specific skills, which easily respond to the everchaning demands of the labour market. 

Student may also apply for one of our PhD programs, developing new research projects in the field of digital humanities.