Internships offer an important opportunity to practically apply what has been learnt during the Master's Degree and to come into lively contact with digital humanities projects. The activities are carried out over a period of 75 hours (corresponding to 3 CFU) in a company, a public or private institutions that carries out activities relating to digital enhancement of cultural productions.
Students may carry out their internship during the second year, once they have obtained at least 42 credits in the Master's degree courses. In order to undertake an internship before the start of the second academic year, a request must be submitted to the Student Service.
First of all, search for an internship or propose a new one.
Consult the proposal published on the Student Dashbord in the Opportunities section, which also includes the possibility to apply for open positions through the CV submission. The Degree course will also organize internships of excellence together with relevant organizations. These opportunities will be published on the Internship page and will be notified to students by e-mail.
Students can activate a new internship project by agreeing it with an organization or company. Always check if your desired company already has an agreement with the University. If it hasn’t, the company must proceed in requiring an agreement.
Student workers can also choose to activate an internship at their workplace. It is also possible to carry out your internship within the Servizio Civile program or to apply for an international internship thanks to specific mobility fundings.
Once you selected an hosting institution, contact the faculty member who is responsible for internships, so that he/she can evaluate the coherence between your study curriculum and the proposed internship. Once the proposal has been approved, you will have to contact another faculty member to act as a supervisor.
At this point, the training project should be validated by the hosting institution and the supervisor at least seven days before the beginning of the internship. Both the calendar and the timetable of the internship will be agreed between the hosting institution and the student.
Notice that every student is required to attend a 4 hours e-learning training module on workplace safety.
Students must fill and keep up to date an internship register that can be downloaded from the University website, indicating both the working hours and every activity carried out. The students must also keep the supervisor updated on the internship, so that its unfolding can be monitored.
After finishing the working hours, both the register and the final documents must be filled and signed by the hosting institution and the supervisor and delivered to the Internship Office within two months or, alternatively, at least one month before discussing the final dissertation.