
The Master’s Degree in Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Age is focused on areas of knowledge and competences that are specific to today’s culture and practice of digital technologies.
The MA course is divided into two curricula:

  • “Digital text sciences, multimodal translation, transcoding”, focusing on the impact of digitalisation on textual and linguistic dynamics, including interlingual translation, linguistic analysis and machine translation, and developing specific linguistic, and philological skills, such as computational linguistics, corpus linguistics and quantitative methods for the analysis of textual data, databases and digital text processing and transmedia studies;
  • “Enhancement and digital management of cultural productions”, focusing on transmediality and its impact on today’s cultural production, also in a management perspective, and developing competences offered by digital publishing and digital literature modules, as well as by cultural, literary, artistic and historical disciplines (such as visual culture, digital art, public history).


Co-ordinator: Prof. Stefania Maci
Class: LM 43 - Information technology methods for the humanities
Credits: 120

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